National Work Zone Awareness Week (April 21-25) aims to remind motorists to be careful around those whose jobs put them along the roadways. Work zones also include utility crews who work along the roadsides to build, repair, and maintain the …Read More.
Posts By: IEC Editorial Staff
Stay safe when working on home DIY projects
You probably have a good reason for wanting to take on a do-it-yourself home project. Maybe you have acquired the skills to do the work on your own, or perhaps you want to save money, or you enjoy the challenge. …Read More.
Debunking myths about electricity
Many Hoosiers start learning about electricity at an early age, often through lessons in school. As we grow up, those facts are sometimes mixed with myths we hear through other people, the media, or social media. Unfortunately, false information and …Read More.
Casey Crabb named 2024 Tom Taylor Award recipient
Indiana Electric Cooperatives (IEC) named Casey Crabb the recipient of the 2024 Tom Taylor Award. Crabb, communications and public relations manager at Carroll White REMC, was presented the award during the Marketing, Member Services and Communicators professional section fall meeting …Read More.
Preparing for winter storms
Each season brings new opportunities and new weather concerns for Hoosiers. A winter day in Indiana can bring heavy snow, freezing rain, ice storms, and strong winds. These forms of winter weather can create electrical hazards, warns Jon Elkins, vice …Read More.
Pemberton earns certified loss control professional designation
Greg Pemberton, Apprenticeship Training Program Director at Indiana Electric Cooperatives (IEC), recently earned his certified loss control professional (CLCP) designation. The program, designed to help ensure a safer work environment for utility workers and the public, is offered by the …Read More.
Smart home security systems bring peace of mind
If you’re a homeowner with some type of security system, you’re in good company. According to SafeHome, about 72% of home decision-makers have some form of home security system. As technology has advanced over the past several years, so have …Read More.
Hunt what’s in season
Hunting season brings outdoorsmen of all skill levels and experience into rural Indiana, often to unfamiliar areas. While most hunters follow safe hunting practices, Indiana’s electric cooperatives want to remind hunters to always be aware of their surroundings and watch …Read More.
Be aware of the unique aspects of electric vehicle safety
Electric vehicles (EVs) are gaining traction in the United States. If you drive an EV or are considering buying one, there are unique safety items to know. “There are some important differences to keep in mind if you drive an …Read More.
Be safe around electricity when moving farm equipment
As harvest season ramps up in Indiana, farmers and their crews are busy moving equipment to and from the fields. This increased activity, however, raises the risk of accidents, especially involving electricity. “Combines and grain augers are large pieces of …Read More.