Case Study

Case Study | Achievers Look from the Inside Out

Achievers™ is a life-changing program designed to help leaders develop a deeper understanding of their personal strengths, weaknesses and motivations. Indiana Electric Cooperatives offers this cornerstone program of the Bell Leadership Institute to executive leaders, supervisors and thosereferred by their  …Read More.

Case Study: Changing of the Guard

SIX NEW INDIANA ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE CEOS SHARE THEIR REFLECTIONS Electric cooperatives are known for stability — not just with rates but with their workforce. Longevity is something for which the cooperative workforce is known: Three-year employees are still considered “rookies  …Read More.

Case Study: Safety Culture

Orange County REMC CULTURE SHOW: HOW A COOPERATIVE CHANGED ITS APPROACH TO SAFETY The accidental death of lineman Brent Minton in October 2012 hit Orange County REMC hard. In a way, the REMC went through the same kind of fundamental  …Read More.

Case Study: Youth Programs During COVID-19

Co-ops meet the challenge of canceled youth programs The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted all aspects of our professional and personal lives to some measure. Perhaps the greatest upheavals and challenges have been within families with children still in the household. Many  …Read More.