When a storm strikes and knocks out power to your home, you may be forced to use a generator. But, do you know about a potential danger with the use of generators? It’s called “backfeed” and it can endanger you, …Read More.
Plug into Safety
Don’t Overload Your Home’s Outlets
James and Patty just moved into their new home. While it’s new to them, it’s an older home with a limited supply of electrical outlets. James wants to plug several electronics into an outlet in the house’s living room. He …Read More.
Electrical Fire Safety: Prepare and Prevent
Malfunction of electric appliances, equipment and wiring is a leading cause of home fires annually. Many electrical fires, however, can be prevented simply by understanding basic electrical principles and following safe practices. “The statistics are staggering and disturbing,” explained Rick …Read More.
Stay smart on the scene of emergencies this winter: Keep electrical hazards in mind
Winter weather in Indiana brings more than just snow. With those white flakes come an onslaught of sleet, ice and freezing rain, often leaving Hoosier roadways slick and dangerous. High winds and heavy ice can also take their toll, blowing …Read More.
Home away from home: Electrical safety for college students
Shopping for dorm décor, searching for extra-long sheets, and stocking up on Easy Mac are musts for students going off to college for the first time. Another must, which is often overlooked, is being mindful of electrical safety concerns associated …Read More.
Thorough Preparation Needed to Keep Little Ones Safe
When you hold a tiny baby in your arms, it’s difficult to imagine the energy and curiosity that so quickly develop as that baby turns into a toddler. Pushing, pulling, moving, bending … they’re all important activities for a typical …Read More.
Make home electrical safety a New Year’s resolution
While many New Year’s resolutions revolve around making improvements to one’s well being, the start of the new year is also a great time to look around the house for potential electrical safety hazards. Winter is the most dangerous time …Read More.