An electric generator can be a great resource for homeowners, especially if the storm and damage is severe and the outage is prolonged. But small portable generators pose risks homeowners need to guard against: carbon monoxide poisoning, electrocution or electric …Read More.
Plug into Safety
Stay in the car!
On a late wintry Saturday afternoon, Nick and Blake decided to take Nick’s car to a movie — despite falling snow and parental advice to stay home. Moments later, where the county road zigged and zagged a mile past their …Read More.
Don’t add electrical hazards to your home office inbox
During the pandemic, most office environments either closed and sent workers home to work remotely when and where feasible or created rotating work schedules. These changes were done to help mitigate the spread of the virus and keep workers safe. …Read More.
Hunt what’s in season
Shooting near electrical equipment can be costly and deadly Hunting season brings outdoorsmen of all skill levels and experience into rural Indiana, often to unfamiliar areas. While most hunters follow safe hunting practices, Indiana’s electric cooperatives remind all those afield …Read More.
Electrical overloads: Unloading the circuit
When Ralphie Parker’s “old man” attempts to plug his “major award” — the infamous plastic leg lamp — into an overloaded wall outlet in the classic movie “A Christmas Story,” there first came a “snap of a few sparks” and …Read More.
Take care when charging your electric vehicle
Do you recall all the safety rules you were taught about refueling when you first learned to drive: Shut off the engine; don’t smoke; don’t leave the pump unattended; don’t overfill? If you are among the growing number of drivers …Read More.
Life lessons: Educate children on bus safety before they leave for school!
The school bus stop is a place where friendships can be forged for life. But there are also hazards children should be aware of. Distracted drivers who don’t see or choose to ignore the stopped school bus lights are something children …Read More.
Electrical receptacle safety is as fundamental as the ABCs
An electrical receptacle, with its oval shape and tiny symmetrical slots over the little round hole, can look like an emoji of a face to imaginative children. Look closer, and it’s the emoji of a shocked face. And shock is …Read More.
Soak up the sun and the water but avoid the shock
You’ve waited to open your pool, bring out the boats and soak up the sun! But before you dive into all the summer fun, remind yourself and your family of the dangers lurking inside pools and lakes. Remember: water and …Read More.
Stay safe when setting sail
Electric safety is probably the last thing that crosses anyone’s mind on a leisurely summertime boat ride. But because water and electricity are a deadly combination, before taking off, brush up on some boating safety rules. “It’s critical you stay …Read More.