Most office environments are considered low-risk in terms of electrical hazards. But that doesn’t mean you should take safety for granted. Just because you’re not working on a factory floor with high-voltage equipment or are operating large machinery outdoors near …Read More.
Plug into Safety
Steps to replacing a utility pole
Utility poles remain the backbone of most electric distribution systems. After more than 80 years since electric cooperatives first set them throughout rural Indiana, they remain the most cost-effective way to safely support power lines, insulators, transformers and other electric …Read More.
Avoid downed power lines!
Power lines crisscross our countryside, bringing the benefits of electricity. But storms or accidents can knock them from their perch and put them on the ground or within reach. Just because they’re down doesn’t mean they’re dead. “Keeping your distance …Read More.
Give line crews room to work: It’s the law
Spring has arrived with its profusion of color: whites and pinks and orange — as in the orange of work zones. National Work Zone Awareness Week is April 26-30. The focus of the week: reminding motorists to be careful around …Read More.
Maintaining rights-of-way is a delicate balancing act
To provide safe, reliable electrical service from overhead power lines, your electric cooperative starts on the ground: in the right-of-way under and around the co-op’s miles of power lines. Maintenance activities involve mowing, cutting dangerous trees, pruning, applying herbicide and …Read More.
Don’t let the cry of ‘timber’ shiver or splinter your timbers
Trees add immeasurable value to your property but maintaining them comes with a cost. They need pruning, sometimes heavy trimming, or removal. “We know hiring professionals to do some of these tasks goes against that independent streak some of our …Read More.
Steps to restoring service
When your electric cooperative restores electric service after a storm or other weather-related disaster, it follows a plan to ensure power is back on for the greatest number of people in the shortest amount of time and in the safest …Read More.
Common causes of power outages
Power outages are never convenient. Sometimes, it’s no mystery why we are left in the dark, like when lightning and thunder rattle windows and walls. Other times, an outage may come out of the blue. The length of time it …Read More.
Space heaters: safety vs. convenience
With the hustle and bustle of the holidays just ending, we’ll do just about anything to make things easier on ourselves. The convenience of electric space heaters are great, but don’t forget about all of the safety precautions you may …Read More.
Preparing for winter storms
Indiana weather can be unpredictable, especially during the winter months. That’s why you should prepare for dangerous situations before a storm hits. It is especially important to develop a plan for prolonged power outages during these harsh months. Heavy snows, freezing …Read More.